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The last movie you watched discussion...
In Movies
Jul 30, 2021
Censor: Started out as an interesting subject only to switch something more vague and confusing far removed from how it started. Story is about Enid, a film censor whose job is to watch horror films and slash the excessive parts out to receive the proper ratings, only for these films to awaken her obsession in uncovering the mystery of her sister's disappearance. The film had an interesting subject as I said, and that is film censorship. But instead of painting the censors as evil erasing art, this was about the censors being careless and passed a very violent sequence in a film blamed for increase of crimes and violence. And if that wasn't enough, the knowledge of Enid being responsible for that made her a public target of endless harassment and was treated as a bigger criminal than the real criminals just because she didn't censor enough in films thought to inspire crimes. This was in my opinion the strongest part of the film and would've made it an interesting commentary on video nasties and a different look at censorship than the tired evil censorship and the scariest for how real it was, but what comes afterwards is where it lost its steam. Following an unfulfilled commentary, the film switches to a mystery solving of Enid trying to connect the dots solving the disappearance of her sister who she believes still alive somewhere, and a series of horror films she was watching gave her clues of that. Not gonna say a lot about it, but honestly this was a big step down. The mystery did not interest me, and depending on how you'd look at it, it was very vague in execution and took us away from the more interesting subject that was completely set aside. 7/10
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